Category: Movable Feast
Under a Peach Tree
In the morning pick a ripe peach, one that has been sun kissed. Slice the peach in sliver strips and put them in a bowl. Pretending sugar is a light rain water the slices lightly. Then go about your day. Later in…
Petite Choux a la Chantilly
French pastries. Delicate beauty queens. Rich, sweet, world renown… pure goodness. My favorites are the Choux French pastries: Profiteroles, chocolat et cafe eclairs, petite choux a la chantilly, religieuse…. my mouth waters just thinking of them. It occurred to me yesterday…
The Festa
The Portuguese Festa begins with a parade. Tradition has it that a a little girl and young woman are both crowned Queen for the day. In the 14th century Queen Isabella of Portugal made a promise to God that if Portugal didn’t…
The Portuguese Festa
The Portuguese Festa (fes-tah) is about food, have you ever been to a Festa? Today in a small town called, Princeton in California, there is a Portuguese Festa. It takes place each year on the last Sunday of June. My…
Drinking in Life
Why is it that when something bad is happening everything around looks so incredibly beautiful? Why does life appear fuller and deeper? It is as if the "bad thing" slaps the taste…
Lemon Pasta
When life throws you a lemon catch it. In a saute pan swirl chopped garlic and walnuts. Which will give them a chance to share perfumed notes with one another. When the two are golden brown let a river of…