Category: Poetic Rambling
Darkness in Light
There could be darkness in light. Shadows are created when light passes through the leaves of a tree. The tree's roots expand due to light penetrating through the soil. And light is carried upward as nourishment, Light enters even…
Thankful Enough
I am thankful I have enough More than enough Am I thankful enough? Is it enough to just be thankful? In a world divided by borders and boundaries, it feels more and more unjust to know how fortunate…
Living with Suffering
Solemnly How does one live with suffering pain a tattered land One that challenges every cell and thought without end- is it faith courage or Because living has its grip and wondering why is exhausting and the day…
New Year Prayer
This New Year may it be – Where our dreams are planted on fertile ground. And the sky above is blue. May our best efforts find meaning. May the path ahead be paved with our willing hands and avenues…
As We say Goodbye to 2023
This year comes to an ends, and another arrives – twilight's theatre brings a colorful sky, and the moonrise adds sparkle to unseen corners If only at that moment I could bring a song that the world could dance…