Category: Sacha & Chelsea
Cap Canaille, Cassis
On Cap Canaille Chelsea sits admiring the spectacular view over the bays of Cassis. The Cap 1309 feet jets up over the Mediterranean.
Chelsea’s Home Renovation
The renovation begins. My daughter and her family moved back to our town in the south of France. They live three minutes away. Rene and his wife are at it again: renovating! That wall where the fireplace stood is coming…
Because he can, he does
I wish he wouldn’t do these things: walk over a log, stand on top of a bridge barrier, or hang from a helicopter. Sacha shows me after he has, and still, it is bothersome. These photos are on his Instagram…
Chelsea Joins the Tribe
Thank you, Darling. A part of the beans are spilled but the best is yet to come. Never in my wildest dreams did I think the bug would bite you! Please, follow Chelsea on Instagram to see our brocante adventures…
Happy Birthday Chelsea
1990 Chelsea's first voyage to California. She was five months old. My cousin Julie, Sacha's Buddha Mere took the photo of us as we were visiting her in San Francisco. The twenty-two-hour door to door trip from Marseille to…
Chelsea and Company
Any day now someone will be with us. p.s. Gabriel is not resting on her belly- I have asked Chelsea how she can hold him in such a way and she reassured me that she is holding him up.…